"Together we Aspire, Believe, Explore, Achieve"
Our school serves a diverse community across Didcot representing many different cultures and beliefs. Children bring a range of early childhood experiences and cultural capital with them when they join All Saints School. All Saints’ community needs ambition and hope for the future, a community centered approach with families at the heart of what we do.
Our vision has been carefully chosen to serve our community and enable all, who are part of All Saints life, to achieve through loving relationships, belief in themselves, hope for the future and the aspiration and belief that they can make a positive difference through the smallest of change.
Together we Aspire, Believe, Explore, Achieve
Our vision is underpinned by the Bible verse below:
“If you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17 v. 20
As a school community we work together, highly value one another and mutually care for one another, in order to support our families facing many challenges. We celebrate our differences and yet rejoice that we are all brothers and sisters working together.
Even though we may feel small just like a mustard seed, we can aspire to do great things, show ambition for the future and move mountains with God with us and the encouragement of others to persevere. The smallest things can make the greatest difference.
Each of us is precious, unique and of infinite value which gives us a sense of worth which is vital to our well-being. We respect all of our diverse beliefs. At All Saints, we have a growth mindset to believe in ourselves and others and have hope for the future: believing that we can all make a positive difference to our world.
The loving forgiveness of God means that we can be free of the fear of failure and be willing to take risks and fully explore new possibilities and experiences that enhance our lives.
Our vision reflects a Christian understanding of God as the all-powerful creator and sustainer of all life who loves us and for whom nothing is impossible. We celebrate our achievements together as a school.
To live out our school vision, we have the values of Love, Hope and Courage.