We have a wide range of policies in place that provide information and guidance on all aspects of life within our school. They provide details about how the school is organised, how we deal with given situations along with information about what is expected from parents/carers as well as what parent/carers can expect from the school. To see an individual policy please follow the links below.
All Saints School Specific Policies
Anti-Bullying and Checklist for Managing Bullying
Anti-Bullying (Child friendly version)
Child Protection and Safeguarding
Dealing with allegations against staff
Equality and Information Objectives
Literacy Difficulties Policy and Advice
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development
Teaching and Learning Development
Policies that cover all schools (Ridgeway Education Trust policies) can be found here:
Ridgeway Education Trust financial information and policies can be found here:
Ridgeway Education Trust freedom of information, privacy notice and complaints procedure can be found here: